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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching curves (p92 related)

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I have a few p92 curve sticks and a few p88 type. I haven't stuck with one or the other exclusively. Sometimes I have an issue with keeping my shots down with the 92. Do u switch between curves on a regular basis or just stick with one? Any tips on keeping shots down with the 92?

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I'm in the same boat. I keep coming back to the p92. Make sure you roll your wrists over well when you shoot to keep it down with the p92. When using the p92 vs less open curves (like the p88), I also feel like I have to keep my follow-through a little lower with the p92 than with the p88. Not surprisingly, my control is better when I stick to using the same thing for a while, regardless of the pattern.

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I try and stick with one curve, it's easier than trying to adjust my shot each time I switch my curve. I am currently using a drury style curve, it works for me. The only thing I don't like about it is that my local hockey stores have a limited selection for that style curve. For trying to keep the puck down I would make sure you roll your wrists over enough, possibly use a lower follow through, and also you can try and keep your head farther in front of your body IE: don't raise your head and pull it back on the follow through

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From the specs they look like the same exact blade. Same length, curve depth but the p92 just more open. I think the open blade makes it look like a bigger curve but I guess it isn't. I tried a few shots with a friends new e28 and I was putting pucks over the glass

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Ever try using a p14 or w14 type? This is pretty much the last retail type I haven't tried although I may be able to rule it out quick if it's anything like the e 28. See the post above. I've ruled out the retail heel types like Easton parise because it's very rare that I actually take a slapper in a game. I see some interesting looking pro stock heel curves on eBay but I don't want to spend any more $ experimenting.

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I try and stick with one curve, it's easier than trying to adjust my shot each time I switch my curve.

I couldn't agree more, consistency makes it so much easier.

Ever try using a p14 or w14 type? This is pretty much the last retail type I haven't tried although I may be able to rule it out quick if it's anything like the e 28. See the post above. I've ruled out the retail heel types like Easton parise because it's very rare that I actually take a slapper in a game. I see some interesting looking pro stock heel curves on eBay but I don't want to spend any more $ experimenting.

If you had issues with the E28, the p14 is likely to produce similar results.

I like heel curves, but I use the same motion for passing, wrist shots or slap shots. Everything starts at the mid-heel for me. I have been using the Vanek, more of a mid or mid-heel lately and I have become very comfortable with it.

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With curves like the P92 P14 and E 28 you're supposed to shoot more off the toe right? Maybe my problem with them is that I'm starting the shooting nmotion with the puck all the way back towards the heel or maybe mid heel. . Would that cause it to rise over the net? Maybe a combination of that plus they are a bit more open than the P 88.

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Your form is what causes them to go over the net, not where the puck sits on your blade. If you don't want to alter your form, go with something without loft, like the P88

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I'm a former ball hockey player turned to ice bout 9 months ago. Slappers are ok it's more the quick snap and wrist shots that get away from me. Haven't been at it that long so don't know if I have a form yet so I'm willing to alter. Cause I really like the curve for handling, shots in close etc. guess I'll have to figure out what I'm doing. Any common things folks do that cause this that can be easily corrected? Or would I have to be seen in action

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A lot of people shoot with the puck too far forward, it forces the follow through higher. If you start your shot in line with your body it's easier to control, keep low and impart more power.

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Thanks chadd. I started playing with no instruction so I'm trying to figure a lot of it out. Shooting is just a small part cause I'm still working on skating.

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