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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate width fit (with pics)

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Yes. I do crank down on the first 3 then top 3 to try and lock the ankle in. I crank too hard and then I cut off circulation. Not enough and I don't feel supported enough

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Spent about 3 hours trying skates.

Mako ruled out almost immediately. My foot was bulging out the top. Ccm's were really wide for my foot. Apx actually wasn't bad. Heel lock was much better than my x4.0. Left them on for about 20 minutes though and my feet fell asleep (blood flow)

Nexus 1000 was about the best for volume. They were a little wide for me though in the forefoot area. Then on the insides of both my ankles there was something pushing in on them that was painful. Right where that bone sticks out on the inside of ur ankle. I ruled them out after that.

Last I tried was nxg's. I am borderline on the pencil test with these. About the 3-4 eyelet from the top I fail the pencil test. But barely. It was extremely close, closer than my vapor. I'm good in the rest of the boot with the test. The width was good for me. No negative space. Heel lock was great, way better than my x4.0. I wore them around the store for bout 30 mins. They felt good. I didn't have any circulation issues. So I went with them. Doesn't seem like anything will be perfect for me but these seemed to fit the best out of everything I was able to try.

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Here are my vapors after 9 months of wear 2-4 days a week. Bad?

May be hard to tell but the left ended up way wider than the right.




Here are the new ones. The close side makes the volume look worse but if u look at the far side u can see the boot almost right in line with the top of my foot. It's close. Think it'll be ok? I mean how far under the boot should your foot be? Like I said its really close with the pencil test. All other aspects of the skate fit me best out of the others I tried


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What is this pencil test you speak of? Because I have the same issues as you and use XXXX bauers and just got use to it as they were my first pair of skates and got a good price. Looking at buying top of the line skates next and curious what to check for when I buy. I have been looking at the NXG's

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