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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shanahan p10 vs p92

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how does it play compared to a p92? pics made the curve look similar but deeper on the p10, i was just wondering because i never got a chance to play with a p10 an it looks interesting.

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One is an open, rockered, round toed, 1/2 inch mid curve at a fairly average blade length while the other is a fairly closed, flat, square toed 3/4 inch toe curve with a very long blade. Do the math. :)

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One thing you may want to consider is the P10/Shanahan is a discontinued curve. It sucks to fall in love with a curve that is harder to find, especially in your preferred flex/grip/etc...

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Is there anything close to the shanahan that is in production and easy to find??? Datsuyk p38???

According to this post the Fischer 11 curve should be similar to the Cammalleri/Shanahan pattern. I have a curve 11 blade somewhere and can take a pic, but I've never seen the original shani so I can't compare.

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