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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What a finish

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Stuart scores two in the final 20 seconds to tie and Vinnie puts it away in OT. These guys have some serious mojo going for them.

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Saw the final 5 minutes of the game plus the overtime. Fantastic finish. Even though the game didn't mean much, just think what kind of an edge the Sharks will carry into the playoffs from this game.

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I so pissed cuz a close buddy was in one of the luxury boxes there. Unbelievable finish; we should go far in the playoffs

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Not so sure it was the Sharks playing well as the Kings just absolutely sucking. Also they set a team record for most consecutive losses with that game. You could hear the disgust in Bob Miller and Jimmy Fox's broadcast.

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