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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Width Differences among brands

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Just wondering what the differences are in a D width among the manufacturers. Is a Supreme D wider than a Reebok D for example? I know the Vapors are a true D width which makes them seem a little narrow. Would Reebok and Easton D widths be more like an E with?

My old Easton Z-Airs were a D width and seemed a little wider than my Vapor XXXX D's in the same size. The Total Ones I tried on seemed actually wider in the mid and forefoot than the 11K's I'm currently wearing.

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Yes, they are all different. That's why we strongly suggest trying on as many different brands/models as you possibly can.

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I find that within a series, higher models tend to have a more universal fit.

E.g. I cannot even squeeze my foot into a lower Vapor (read: 4.0 and down) skate yet 7.0s feel pretty good in the same size/width (pre-heat)

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I find that within a series, higher models tend to have a more universal fit.

E.g. I cannot even squeeze my foot into a lower Vapor (read: 4.0 and down) skate yet 7.0s feel pretty good in the same size/width.

I would believe that has to do with better foams and outsoles/quarterpackage used on more expensive skates. Makes them more moldable/comfy.

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Best advice on that is to try them on, to see the differences at different points of the foot, on your foot, since it's about foot shape. You can go through a bunch of threads here, if you just want some ideas. I suspect that a lot of members may not respond here, since they've posted their thoughts many times on this stuff in so many other threads.

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I understand that, but how much wider is a Reebok D compared to a Vapor D or Easton D?

Best advice on that is to try them on, to see the differences at different points of the foot, on your foot, since it's about foot shape.

That is exactly the advice I would give, for exactly the same reason. Every brand/line of skate has a different shape and most people have perceptions of their foot that are not accurate, often because of poor skate fitting in the past.

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I tried searching with no luck, in regards to width, which skate would be wider, CCM D width compared to Supreme D width?

If it matters, I'm talking CCM U+ pro compared to TO NXG.

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I tried searching with no luck, in regards to width, which skate would be wider, CCM D width compared to Supreme D width?

If it matters, I'm talking CCM U+ pro compared to TO NXG.

In the past it would have been CCM without question, but I'm to poor to be a betting man these days.

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