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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Buying new indoor wheels

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I just bought some Vapor XR2 and I wanted to get better wheels for indoor. I will be playing once a week on a tiled floor and maybe an hour a week practicing. Now I'm not sure if it would be worth it to get some expensive wheels or just some wheels to get me through the 10 week season while I save up. Of course going for some Labeda addiction would be a great but my wallet would hate me for it.

Im 5'10 230 lbs so I would need some harder wheels

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Depends a lot on yr style of skating. If you are an aggressive stopper then look for something in the 76a hardness range, if you are a smooth skater then you might get away with lots of grip on a wheel like the rink rat XXX (looking at mid range wheels).

If you choose addictions or splits make sure you buy the hardest wheel (based on yr weight). The new revisions are also meant to be very good. Labeda milleniums are worth a look and if you are on a tight budget until you can save up for a top end wheel, have a look at the Tron range. I know a few skaters on these and whilst they are not the best wheel around, you can't beat the price.

At the end of the day you have to find a wheel that works for your style of play, level of experience and the surface you play on, What suits one player often will not suit another.

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I'm about the same size(10lbs heavier maybe) and I had the 76a revision variants. They worked well but wore down pretty fast. Moved up to the revision steels(78a) and I have no complaints thus far. Still very grippy after a month or so which usually doesn't happen for me.

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Ive never played before. Next sunday is my first game so I cant really say what kind of skater I am. I still cant hockey stop so I dont think I will put a lot of wear on it in that way. I think $40-50 would be the most I would spend on wheels right now.

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Given your price range there are a couple of options I would look at - Labeda shooters, Revision axis multisurface or Rink Rat XX grip. I have a team mate who is close to your weight on shooters and they last well and offer ok grip on a tiled surface. As you learn how to stop and turn hard, you might want to try a softer wheel but I've seen him destroy rink rat XXX's and Labeda addictions in a few months. If you want to try a soft wheel the Tron Giga from HockeyTron is worth a go, it's price point is within your budget and the free bearings that come with it make it hard to beat.

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I weigh 200, and I got some new Revision Variant Plus wheels (firm). They have heald up pretty well, and they are super grippy for a harder wheel.

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you should look into hockey tron for wheels. i used to buy nothing but labeeda dynasty but i was wearing them down quickly and at 10-13 bucks a wheel it got to be too much. trons mid level wheel costs $4 a piece and i have been using them for over a year now. i am on skates 3-4 days a week and weigh roughly 170.

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I would go for some labeda Millenniums, probably the best wheel for your buck in my opinion.

Because of your size make sure you go for the harder ones.

If not the millenniums, I agree with Justin, the soft grippers are the next best option as far as price vs performance go.

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you should look into hockey tron for wheels. i used to buy nothing but labeeda dynasty but i was wearing them down quickly and at 10-13 bucks a wheel it got to be too much. trons mid level wheel costs $4 a piece and i have been using them for over a year now. i am on skates 3-4 days a week and weigh roughly 170.

I even know guys a little heavier that use these and like them a lot, especially for the price. Worth a shot, I'm considering getting a set to try out.

76a is probably what you're going to want to look for regardless of the wheel you get. I'm a fan of the Variants and many of the higher end Rink Rat wheels. Millenniums have good performance but they chip on me a bit. Hope that helps!

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