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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another Money Order Question...

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So I won a shaft off ebay and sent out a money order about 3 weeks ago. Guy says he never got it, I'm assuming it got lost in the mail? Is there anything I can do as far as getting the money back? I think I have the other half of it somewhere around here (I hope!) is there anything I can do with that to get the money back, or am I out $70. Any help is appreciated.

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So I won a shaft off ebay and sent out a money order about 3 weeks ago. Guy says he never got it, I'm assuming it got lost in the mail? Is there anything I can do as far as getting the money back? I think I have the other half of it somewhere around here (I hope!) is there anything I can do with that to get the money back, or am I out $70. Any help is appreciated.

Yeah I dont I know how you feel, I made two deals with two people and they sent money orders and I have yet to see it, one was shippied sometime in October while the other November, dont know what else to do.

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Who are the MOs thru? If it's your/a bank, I'd check with them on their policy but most will say it's just like cash and will be treated accordingly. AmEx did them at my bank in AK and they actually had an 800 number if it was reported lost.

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