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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Balance Point of Blades / Runners

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Does anybody know the balance point of the new Lightspeed Edge holder with Fusion runners respectivley LS3 runners?

Is is using a 30/60 or 35/65 or anything else?


What do these setting numbers mean?

30/60 - from the center balance point of the blade the contact point is 30 millimeters to the front and 30 millimeters to the back for a total of 60 millimeters. This is often referred to as a "neutral" position.

35/65 - from the center balance point of the blade the contact point is 35 millimeters to the front and 30 millimeters to the back for a total of 65 millimeters. This is a setting that will slightly tip you forward and is a very common setting used by many players in the National Hockey League.


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I am positive I wrote a nice long detailed answer.....What happened?? LOL.....Maybe I for got to hit post?

As for the comment above where it says it will "slightly tip you forward you may want to check with Cag one but Ben the owner as well as Wally always said any pitch work had to be done separately before applying these setting as the Cag does not pitch a skate!

"pressing the post button now!"

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Well I know the radius of LS3 and Fusion steel but still there is no information about the balance point. Are they neutral as 30/60 or any other value?

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they are set to Blade center however the boot is heel heavy so it tends to set the skate on a reverse lean due to the fact there is little rise in the supreme boot or the APX for that matter. Now if you put that on an older Vapor it would be more neutral.

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