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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sports Tape / Palms

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Hi, I am looking to pick up a tape that is "gentle" on the palms of my gloves. I am not a big butt-end guy, I basically just do a single wrap with the tape to add that additional grip. Heard that "sports tape" or "sponge tape" is easier on the palm than traditional hockey tape, but not quite sure which kind to get. The guy in home depot looked at me like I had 3 heads when I inquired about sponge tape...in any event, anyone have a specific sports tape they have had success with? Thanks!

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The only "sponge" type tape product I've seen is medical pre-wrap. Most hockey shops carry a cohesive gauze tape that a lot of people like. Make sure the hard edges at the end of the stick are covered and softened and it will help your palm last longer.

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Tacki-mac shortened up us the only way to go. I used one 5-6 skate a week for two seasons before the grip wore through. No appreciable wear to my palms. Stick twisted less when shooting too.

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