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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Experiencing painful abdomen stretch

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so about 3 weeks ago i got the flu, and it lasted for about a week and since then i've had a steady cough, but its a dry cough and i have no other symptoms not even a sore throat or runny nose or anything. so a few days after my flu symptoms were gone and i just had the cough i went to play some stick and puck and during the stretches, everything went fine and my last abdominal stretch, i was feeling a pain i've never felt before. image below for reference. every other stretch i did was completely fine and normal. fast forward a week, then i play 3 times in 3 nights, all still experiencing the same pain in my stretch routine just in the abdominal stretch. still got the cough by the way that doesnt feel like its affecting anything other than just being annoying.

so my question is how come im only experiencing this pain in my abs?


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It's probably from your cough. Your core will really tense up when you cough hard, and you are probably sore from that.

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