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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I recently picked this up, but I need some money for car repairs and I believe a 75 flex would be better for me anyway, so I'd like to try to move it. It's specs are:

- RH

- 85 flex

- Landeskog curve

- Grip

- Cut to ~58" heel to end, or ~64.5" floor to end

The previous owner said he used it about a handful of times. I used it at one stick and puck. It has some cosmetic wear and some dings on the blade, but it is solid! Blade is stiff, no creaks or cracks. Also, it was blacked out at the bottom (something that doesn't bother me, because I do it as well.) I evened up the painting when I got the stick. Removing spray paint is very easy to do though if it's not your thing.

Just looking to get back what I paid: $100 + shipping

Here are some pictures, including two pictures I received prior to buying to see how I changed the bottom paint: http://imageshack.us/g/11/img1949fk.jpg/

If you would like any more pictures or have any questions, please shoot me a PM!

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