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Shin guard length help

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I am in the market for some new shin guards, as I want more protection. Currently I am in a 13", and find it a tad short. I was wondering if any brands run shorter/longer from the factory than others? If I could find a "short" 14 inch, then I think that would be perfect.

Reebok use to make a 13.5", but it seems they no longer do.

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I am pretty sure Bauer runs a tad shorter than Reebok... I wear a 14" reebok, but really need a 13"... Tried on Bauer Nexus 14" and they felt better... But please confirm for yourself by trying them on, and not taking my word for it.

Also, If Reebok is on your list, then you should know that they are a wider fit, a carry over from the Jofa brand. Bauer, offers 3 fit options, Narrow in the Vapor, Taper fit in the Supreme and Wider in the Nexus Line

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I am pretty sure Bauer runs a tad shorter than Reebok... I wear a 14" reebok, but really need a 13"... Tried on Bauer Nexus 14" and they felt better... But please confirm for yourself by trying them on, and not taking my word for it.

Also, If Reebok is on your list, then you should know that they are a wider fit, a carry over from the Jofa brand. Bauer, offers 3 fit options, Narrow in the Vapor, Taper fit in the Supreme and Wider in the Nexus Line

Actually the Vapor is tapered and the Supreme is "narrow", while the widest will be the NEXUS. Meaning that Supreme is anatomical, contouring to the body, while Vapor has a large knee cap and gets more narrow down the leg.

To the OP, I would try the new Supreme or RS2 series. I've never liked the Vapor thanks to the huge knee cap (even on APX). The RS2 is arguably the best shin on the market.

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I like my supreme's one60, upgrading to one.8 though, for more/better knee cush. They are about ½ inch shorter than reebok 7k's of the same size and reebok are way to wide aswell.

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It would help if you noted how you wore your shins. Over your tongues or behind them. Makes a world of difference aside from what brand is shorter or longer in 14.

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