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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Gloves are fully loaded ready to play in..

Loaded with what? Your bullshit? :rolleyes:

Full athletic cut, great for your wear.

What the hell does that even mean?

I don't know which is worse, this or when he tried to pass off that black Bauer 1000 helmet as Canes equipment.

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I had no idea that Scott Niedermeyer played for the sharks


He's a member..

he sells quite a bit too...I'm sure it's just a type-o from a previous ad using that template.

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I can't decide...

Do I want the left one...


Or the right one...


Might of been cheaper just to get some customs made?

He should have tried to start a trend...Left skate White 9k....right skate Black 9k.


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that a pretty big difference 6.5 E and 8D thats like a small fatty foot and a 1.5 longer and skinnier foot what a wierdo, how does he buy shoes?

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that a pretty big difference 6.5 E and 8D thats like a small fatty foot and a 1.5 longer and skinnier foot what a wierdo, how does he buy shoes?

he makes them him self like an elf.

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I also like the ones that call a regular wood stick a one piece. Well, yeah, I guess it's a one piece, but they're clearly missing the point of what players call an OPS.

When I first started playing and did not know better I fell for this and paid 50 bucks including shipping for a CCM Vector 50. I thought I was getting one of the nice new shiny blue composites and instead got a heavy wood one piece. It was heavier than my Bauer wood stick

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Well, everyone gets duped. Just remember fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me... So you've learned from my mistake.

Last Xmas someone was selling an XBox BOX (i.e., just the box that the Xbox came in). He did a full write up on the XBox, then, like 2nd to last sentence says that it just just an XBox-Box and does not include the game console.

I think it sold for crazy money, but ebay put the smack down on him.

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