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Reebok Curve question

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Hi everybody,

I went in a test day in Switzerland two days ago and we were lucky to try Reebok 20k, AI9, CCM RBZ and CL500.

I was impressed by a curve with a Reebok 20k but I don't have a picture about the curve...... :(

I only remember that a number of a curve was writed on the stick : 29

I search on the web but I don't find nothing....

Do you have already heard about that number of curve ?

Thanks for your help !


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It's a Europe only pattern, very similar if not the same as the Landeskog; a deep mid curve.

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Hi Markush,

(For information I'm using a Easton RS2 / 100 Flex right now)

so first I took the 20k 85 flex in my hands and it feels really light. Quick stick handling and good pump when you shoot like wrist shot or snap shot. I tried some slapshot but it was hard first but after couple of shoots I feel the stick it was like a elastic and whipped the puck it was amazing. But I feel that I've to use more power than with my RS2.

After I tried the Ai9 and the balance of this stick is awful. All the weight is on the blade and I really don't like that.

third, I took the CCM RBZ in my hands and it was quite light but not like the 20k. The balance is not bad but my slapshot wasn't cool. Snapshot and Wrist not bad but I don't feel the puck really good in my blade.

My friends come with the CL500 (100 flex) and ask me to try this one. For me it was the same stick as the 20k from Reebok. Quick shot easy, good feeling with the puck when you got him on the blade.

The stick didn't seems hard and durable like the 20k.

Actually I'm thinking about buy and try again this 20k... I'm thinking about that because with my RS2 i use Getzlaf curve and it was the first time that I tried this new curbe 29 from Reebok and actually I'm hesitant if I wait the new Easton with the E28 curve or buy a 20k with this 29 curve............... !!! :facepalm:

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Can you get the european curves in the US?

On this side of that large pond, its pretty hard to get the north-american curves on rbk/ccm.

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Actually the problem is prices.

In US the stick is really cheap for US => 250$ and we can order without problem.

BUT in Switzerland a stick like the 20k cost 420$ !!!!!!!!

So I'm trying to find a 20k for 250$ max with this european curve... :angry:

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29 is equivelant to a P92. In Europe, the majority of CCM/RBK stick are either 19 or 29. It's surpising at how prevelant these curves are. 19 is the older, less aggressive retail version of the sakic. Maybe even a little less curve, with a little more loft.

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Yeah quite the same but I like the curve on the toe and I want that curve... I'll try maybe to have a 29 with a friend or I will wait the new Easton V9 or order a Mako with the E28 pattern

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