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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer curves

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Id agree that the P92 dominates the market, and as such I've ended up with a few (mostly because I'll buy whatever closeout high end sticks are available). I find that pattern incredibly difficult to control. It baffles my mind that it is as popular as it is.

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Sadly, that's 100% correct.

Despite the (sensical) approach to include social media opinion groups (MSH, PHEW, S2K, GGSU etc.) as part of a company's marketing efforts, this reason is why they should take these respective opinions with a grain of salt.

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I wish Bauer would take the p92 and close the face about half way to neutral. I love the blade shape and lie, but it is too open for my liking. I use it anyway because it is the best I can find. P88 is ok, but I don't like the blade shape and it plays a little lower than the stated lie.

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I think a closed faced p92 is pretty much the p88

What's seems to be the most common pattern(s) on the board here?

From what I've seen since I joined, Drury and Kreps are pretty popular. I guess those are the 'cool' curves.

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I think a closed faced p92 is pretty much the p88

Close but not the same in my opinion. As I said, blade shape and lie are very different. Also, the p92 is a little more heelish than the p88, even though they are both listed as mid curves. Hard to explain, but it is almost like the p92 is a heel curve along the bottom edge and a mid curve along the top edge.

The curve I am proposing is more like the P92 blade with the same curvature as the Reebok Datsyuk. I love the Datsyuk curve, but the blade is a little short for my liking. I really miss the days when I could just heat up the wood blade and get the perfect curve.

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