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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Profiling.

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i have heard that a "combo" radius is not effective.

You've heard wrong.

I think the BS call is that most of the NHL is using a combo radius. To my knowledge and what I've seen on a small number of teams, this is not the case and most just use a standard radius.

I agree, most of the NHL is not on a combo. Heck many just use CAG profiles or none at all. There are so many reasons for this, from just using what they are use to, to the equipment managers not keeping up with technology. I know one equipment manager for a Div 1 college who does every player the same, 11', neutral pitch, 5/8 hollow. These kids are just a couple of steps from the pros and are getting cookie cutter profiles. Honestly, many don't know any better. Most of the junior A players who come in for sharpenings ask for a "regular". More education and experimentation is required.

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Are you trying to Claim a combo radius doesn't combine the advantages of a bigger radius providing more powerfull strides with the better agility of a shorter radius?!

I think the BS call is that most of the NHL is using a combo radius. To my knowledge and what I've seen on a small number of teams, this is not the case and most just use a standard radius.


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