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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Safe to skate on still?

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I noticed this after I got done playing last time. You guys think I can still skate on it bent like that or should I replace it immediately? Doesn't seem like it would make that big of a deal but I haven't seen anything like that before. Thanks guys and sorry about the big picture!


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Heh my old S15s had that happen on one skate, exact same place, but perhaps slightly less bent than yours. I had no problems whatsoever, but I'm thinking that as long as your steel is still supported there, it shouldn't be a huge issue unless you're a heavier set guy.

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Your shop might be able to bend it back and make it straight again depending on if they have the tool to do so it'd be worth checking before replacing with brand new steel but I wouldn't keep skating on it cause you could damage the holder

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I noticed this after I got done playing last time. You guys think I can still skate on it bent like that or should I replace it immediately? Doesn't seem like it would make that big of a deal but I haven't seen anything like that before. Thanks guys and sorry about the big picture!


I highly, strongly, absolutely recommend u DO NOT SKATE on those. The worst hockey injury ive ever seen was a result of the smallest crack in a tuuk holder. A person I know was skating with this crack unknown to him, he wasnt a fast or strong skater by any means, weighed about 150 and as he went to do small turn his hold body twisted as his ankle stayed planted in the ice. He had a few surgeries and a bunch of screws in his ankle/foot. And he never played again. He runs a well known hockey shop too and he will not sharpen or service any skate with any cracks or damage to the holder because of his own story. I'm not saying your holder might result in a catastrophic injury for u, but I think there is that 1% chance and I swear its not worth the $50 or $70 or $80 it costs to get that fixed. Get it fixed. Please.

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Don't skate on it. It is not fixable. That holder retails for under $20. It's not worth the potential injury. It's a quick and easy replacement for a reputable shop and should not cost you more than $30 to replace the holder (using your existing runner).

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When I got my son's brand new EQ-50s they were like that on one skate (but not as bad as those). I didn't notice it until I got home. They were on clearance and were the last pair that the shop had in that size. I called the shop up and they said bring them back and they would refund. Before I hopped in the car and brought them back I worked on the holder a bit (pushed and pulled around on the holder in that area) and found that it was "hung up" on that "corner" of the blade. After a minute or two of work it "popped" back into place. The plastic stayed a little "deformed" after it popped in to place but it was way less deformed than when it was hung up. After a couple of weeks it went back to 100% normal.

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When I got my son's brand new EQ-50s they were like that on one skate (but not as bad as those). I didn't notice it until I got home. They were on clearance and were the last pair that the shop had in that size. I called the shop up and they said bring them back and they would refund. Before I hopped in the car and brought them back I worked on the holder a bit (pushed and pulled around on the holder in that area) and found that it was "hung up" on that "corner" of the blade. After a minute or two of work it "popped" back into place. The plastic stayed a little "deformed" after it popped in to place but it was way less deformed than when it was hung up. After a couple of weeks it went back to 100% normal.

Totally agree. I've seen this more than a few times with Razor Blade holders. They are quite flexible in that spot in the up/down direction. Prob took a puck or a kick from another skate & the holder flexed over the top of the blade & got hung there.

Take the blade off, let the holder relax a while & it should regain the shape back. Might want to help it with some heat, or stand it in a pan of hot water. Also, the groove where the blade fits might be a little boogered up, so you may have to clean the burr off with a utility knife. If its not cracked or broke, nobody's gonna die.

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That looks like it can easily be pushed back in. If not just replace the holder. But I will say, I've had customers over the years with skates with the entire middle of the holder broken off and they skated with them like that for years with no problems. It's not unsafe in that condition.

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You may also want to try the solid runnuners if you keep having issues. With the solid runners, you have more metal within the holder and they dont seem to get hung up like this as often as they do with the scalloped runners.

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I consider it dangerous because once nylon plastic is stretched it will never be the same. If the runner is not popped back into the channel then it lacks support and is more prone to bending under stress. The holder and runner combo shown is already designed for optimal flex, it does not need anymore help. If it's an older holder then it has most likely absorbed a fair amount of moisture and is tougher than it was when it was new. But, I can't know for sure. Just because something has yet to fail catastrophically does not make it safe. If it was a customer of mine I would inform them of this and recommend it was changed. If they refuse to spend the $20 and wish to continue skating on it, then at least I'm in the clear.

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