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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Farrell Shoulder Pads

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What happened to these. You can't even find them on eBay. I'm having surgery on my shoulder blade and was hoping to find a pair to use after I heal up a little. I was going to remove the caps. I play men's league and was hoping to find a large. I liked the mobility of the foam blocks they used. Are there any alternatives?

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It's not exactly shoulder surgery. I have a benign tumor the size of a baseball on my shoulder blade. The Dr. is going to surgically remove it. I just want something to protect that area after I get the stitches out. I should have been more specific.

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You still may want to cover that area with more traditional foam/plastic- it may be more tender in that area than you anticipate. Good luck with the procedure.

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You still may want to cover that area with more traditional foam/plastic- it may be more tender in that area than you anticipate. Good luck with the procedure.

Not meaning to call you out personally, but I think a lot of people judge the Farrell stuff based on having seen pictures of it on websites as opposed to wearing or even handling it. The foam blocks used on those pads are similar if not the same type of foam as used in other padding - it's just used differently (the cubes as opposed to traditional "sheets" of mateiral. The blocks actually consist of a thin layer of very firm dense foam that is fused with a softer (not egg-carton foam soft, but softer and lower density thant the other one) foam that makes up the majority of the block. The result is a firm outer protective layer with cushion beneath it. The design allows for tremendous breathability and mobility but still absrobs impact very well.

I made a franken-pad using a dri-fit shirt and a bunch of sections of the cubed padding cut out of a few pairs of the Farrell compression shorts that I got when they were blown out for $8 a pair, and I don't find that any less protective than any typical mid-line shoulder pads, in terms of padding. Plus they're a whole lot more comfortable.

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