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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are some ways to work on getting a quicker release on shots

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I picked up a quicker release by not gripping the stick as tightly with the lower hand. I load the stick and use the legs, core, and shoulders to initiate the shot. The blade moves about 2-3 inches before the shaft releases. With the lighter grip on the lower hand, the release seems to be less hindered.

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That is a good point and I think what you're getting at is not to have a loose grip but don't over grip especially to the point where it hi.sets the fluidity of your motion.

Another example of this is one tip I got in batting practice in little league. I was always a strong kid and I tried to kill the ball with all I could. With this I would over grip the bat to where my motion was hindered, my coach suggested I loosen up a bit but with my grip and trying to kill the ball and it helped a bit.

Same can go for hockey, if you overgrip or tense up your muscles too much trying to quickly power a shot you most likely can be hindering your motion that will give you a quicker better shot anyway.

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My grip on a baseball bat was always loose until just before contact. I gather the same principle applies to punches, not tightening the fist until just before impact. I haven't paid much attention to my hockey shot, but I believe that I get the power from legs and spinal rotation. I would think that a quicker shot would mean more reliance on arms. I like the idea of the top hand held ahead of the body. I can move that hand out more quickly than I can get the puck and bottom hand back for my usual windup.

their website is missing one sport on the main page. looks like its time for your friend to gather some photos of a local legend and his northland

I haven't seen him for a few years, but if I do, I'll mention it.

If you can afford one of those, it is better than the weight pulled up a string because you can do the twisting with your hands vertical, palms facing in and palms facing out. The shoulders get a good workout too.

A similar product:


I'll try that.

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