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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tip of blade starting to chip away

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Although I have never tried it, a 2 part epoxy might work. You can buy a small bottle for about $5, just make sure you mix it well before applying.

Epoxy expands. If you don't secure the blade completely, it's just going to ruin it anyway. Time for a new stick.

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ive had luck with epoxy on some small nicks and chips, but that seems like its some major damage. ive had part of a reebok 6k chip up pretty bad, fixed it with the two part, and some clamps, and then had to sand it down to get it rounded like it was before. it was a decent amount of work, but held up pretty good until i upgraded. My feeling is that repairing the damage on this stick will create quite the ridge on the outer edge there.

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I would like to see a pic of the face of the blade but It looks like a lot of damage. When I see smalls chips I use water thin superglue to fill the void. It doesn't expand and it seeps into the tiny parts of the cracks as well.

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