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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone using "Toe Tape It"?

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Anyone using the Toe Tape It product? If so, what does it do and do you like it? Is it sticky like friction tape? www.stick-aid.com

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I bought a pack of them last year. Its made to make taping over the toe of your stick easier. It works alright but I still prefer to use regular stick tape for my tape job. It isn't friction tape or anything, just regular stick tape in a half circle shape with little tabs you fold over the toe. The price is a little high for how many re-tapes you get out of a pack, and I find they don't last as long as regular tape over the toe.

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If they made another type that was a little thicker or had a better adhesive it would be a solid product. As is it isn't a better alternative than regular old stick tape at $2 a roll.

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