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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chassis Welding

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Hey guys, new to the forums and need some advice.

The chassis on my skate recently cracked in two locations where it connects to the boot (see pic). While I can obviously buy new skates, I have thousands of miles on these and therefore, am very partial to them. They're a pair of Mission Proto VSI Team skates with the single axel Generator Pro Team aluminum chassis (about 15-years old) - laugh if you must, but I use these skates almost daily and would like to continue using them. Has anybody tried to weld a cracked chassis before?

Let me know if you've had any positive or negative experiences with this.

Many thanks in advance.

(Not my actual skates, but i can get photos if necessary)

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TIG welding aluminum is quite difficult. There are some YouTube videos our there on basics of welding aluminum, but unless you are a very skilled welder, I wouldn't bother. Either pay a professional, or buy a new chassis.

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The material used in the chassis was pretty good so if you can get it to a skilled welder then they should be able to repair it. The one chassis I know you can't repair is the tri-d-lite frame that Rbk and CCM used, it was made from rubbish material that just evaporates as you try to weld it.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I know a couple of guys who weld aluminum and high grade stainless for boats so maybe I'll reach out to them. I wasn't looking to do it myself, just seeing if it can/has even been done. Thanks again - I'll post my results if I end up getting it done.

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