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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tongue torque

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I wear my skates, tongues inside not out. My issue is that with all of my skates, the tongue always manages to torque and move to the outside of the skate. I know that when spending a lot of time on the inside edges it may happen a bit but at the end of a game it seems that the tongue is half way off to the outside of my skate. I don't feel it moving but it is a bit concerning regarding wear and protection. And yes I do tighten my skates tight and they fit great.

Thanks in advance

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Bumping an old thread with the same question.

I have come to the conclusion my tongues torque to the outside because my inside ankle bones sit farther forward than my outside ankle bones.

If I skate with the tongue centered, the edge of the tongue sits right on the middle of my ankle bone. If I let the tongue torque to the outside, both edges of the tongue sit right in front of my ankle bones.

For me, centered = painful.

Torqued = comfortable. Is there any problem with letting them sit to the side? Guessing they're ~1/2" off center at the top.

Does this sound OK?

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