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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AHL donnybrook between Norfolk-Lowell

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Anybody else see or hear of the brawl last night in Norfolk???

Here's what happened from a buddy(player):

At the end of the period, as the Admirals were skating off the ice, Lowell’s Brantt Myhres came off his bench and cross-checked Jim Vandermeer. Naturally, Vandermeer took exception and the usual took place. Just as things started to settle down, Lowell coach Tom Rowe started shouting at the Ad's coach Trent Yawney. Both coaches took exception to the verbal abuse each other was putting towards the opposite team. When Yawney responded, (while walkin accross the ice to the dressing rooms) Myhres skated behind Yawney and cold-cocked him from behind. Thats when it all went down. Players from each team were squaring off all over the ice. Yardsale of gloves, sticks and other equipment from every player from both teams.

Half of the guys were actually in the rooms when it really started, so a few were geared down to start. In the middle of all the scrapping the ref had his leg seriously hurt, and had to be taken off by the teams trainers. So linesmen had to finish the brawl and the game alone.

Apparently it stopped and started over 6 times, and wound down with both tenders goin at it. All told there were something like 227 pims in the game.

Suspensions for the coaches were immediate, as well as one of the Lowell guys that had a blatant head butt in the scrum.

Here's the pims not including the gross's and games handed to the coaches

Norfolk - Mike Brown - (Fighting Major), 5 min, 20:00

Norfolk - Mike Brown - (Fighting (Secondary) Game Misconduct) (56(f)), 10 min, 20:00

Norfolk - Michael Leighton - (Fighting Major), 5 min, 20:00

Norfolk - Michael Leighton - (Fighting (Secondary) Game Misconduct) (56(f)), 10 min, 20:00

Norfolk - Michael Leighton - (Bench / Coach Gross Misconduct), 10 min, 20:00

Norfolk - Travis Moen - (Fighting Major), 5 min, 20:00

Norfolk - Travis Moen - (Fighting (Secondary) Game Misconduct) (56(f)), 10 min, 20:00

Lowell - Brantt Myhres - (Cross Checking), 2 min, 20:00

Lowell - Brantt Myhres - (Fighting Major), 5 min, 20:00

Lowell - Brantt Myhres - (Fighting (Secondary) Game Misconduct) (56(f)), 10 min, 20:00

Lowell - Allan Rourke - (Fighting Major), 5 min, 20:00

Lowell - Allan Rourke - (Fighting (Secondary) Game Misconduct) (56(f)), 10 min, 20:00

Lowell - Allan Rourke - (Head-Butt Match) (60©), 10 min, 20:00

Norfolk - Jim Vandermeer - (Slashing), 2 min, 20:00

Norfolk - Jim Vandermeer - (Spearing Major), 5 min, 20:00

Norfolk - Jim Vandermeer - (Spearing Game Misconduct) (86(B)), 10 min, 20:00

Lowell - Cam Ward - (Fighting Major), 5 min, 20:00

Lowell - Cam Ward - (Fighting (Secondary) Game Misconduct) (56(f)), 10 min, 20:00

Lowell - Cam Ward - (Bench / Coach Gross Misconduct), 10 min, 20:00

Some pics:






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That's awesome, and I thought Binghampton vs. St. John's was fun!

If one of my guys was that stupid, I wouldn't want to back him up.

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Ok...who's got the video?????????

Also, did this happen on Stuffed Animal Night????...when the arena is full of kids?

Nice, another black eye (no pun intended) for hockey in the States.

I still want to see the video.

[EDIT]: Who was the ref....? I'd bet the family farm (if my family farmed) that it was Bob Langdon...he has a tendency to lose control of a game to the point that this kind of thing happens.

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i was there, it was the coolest thing perhaps i have ever seen at a hockey game. one of the refs got hurt though, might have broken his leg or something, and when people helped him up he screamed so loud that everyone in the crowd could hear it.

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Suspensions handed down today.


What I forgot to mention previously was that the AHL President happened to attend the game. Great choice.

And yes it was Teddy Bear night........wonderful.

Edit:It was the Linesmen Mark Hamlett who was hurt. Elly said it was the ref but he was still pretty fired up when I talked to him.

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