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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any thoughts on stick wax and glove palms?

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Sorry to be a pain, but I use Sex Wax on my drum sticks (I am a drummer, after all). The stuff is soooo freaking tacky whilst wet and I am wondering about waxing my taped butt end. I know to use the wax on the blade so snow doesn't build up (I also use hockey stick wax on my drum sticks, btw), but has anyone used the Sex Wax (basically the drum stick stuff is the same as the hockey stick stuff from what I understand) on a stick for grip? Why would/wouldn't I?

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Usually, tape alone provides more than enough friction to grip the top of a stick, I don't think you will find much benefit to waxing the butt end. As for applying it to the shaft, it won't hurt anything and will just add a little gunk to the palms over time.

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Funny that this thread popped up. I recently switched back to my non-grip dolomite (kopitar) after finally giving up on my grip dynasty (burrows) and the shaft felt very slippery to me. I always use Mr. Zoggs on my tape, and gave it a go on the shaft for last nights game. It did add a bit of grip, and eventually wore off, but it was better than nothing. My gloves are old and haggard, so mucking up the already beat up palms isn't an issue for me.

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Zogg's works well to provide grip for the bottom hand, if you need it. I just wouldn't bother putting it on the tape for the top hand.

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