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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Jury Is In...

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Any one else think they should air this on Pay-Per-View? Im sure many would pay to see. Maybe donate 1/2 the $ to Lacies family. Too bad it will a long while before it happens.

The first execution that was televised would be the last one carried out. The way reality TV is headed, it won't be long.

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Fox will eventually hand out enough money for it to happen. Heck, there was an episode of the Simpsons that was pretty much that premise. It'll be Survivor: Death Row, or some crap like that.

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Personally, I would rather have had him spend his sorry ass life in prison for the rest of his life and think about what he did....Just killing him dosent accomplish anything because hed just be dead and wouldnt have anytime to consider what he did....

the waiting list for the death penalty is so long he well be there for a while to think. i think if you kill someone you dont deserve your own life . that may be hars that is jsut what i feel

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Ya, its not like the guy is sentenced, spends one day in prision then gets killed. Isnt there gonna be a whole bunch of appeals or is that done with.

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