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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innocent Bystander

Strange hockey tape phenomenon

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3 rolls of Renfrew tape got accidentally doused with Gatorade from a mistakenly left open water bottle in the kid's hockey bag. After the tape dried, it is much more adhesive than a brand new roll. Interesting. I may have to soak all new tape purchases in Gatorade. Quenches thirst... adds bind to glue.

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3 rolls of Renfrew tape got accidentally doused with Gatorade from a mistakenly left open water bottle in the kid's hockey bag. After the tape dried, it is much more adhesive than a brand new roll. Interesting. I may have to soak all new tape purchases in Gatorade. Quenches thirst... adds bind to glue.

Or you could make a ball out of the tape from your last tapejob and cover it in tape with its sticky side facing out, then rub it against both faces of your fresh tapejob until the right amount of adhesive is applied.

Duchene does essentially the same thing with electrical tape on the untaped heel of his blade.

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the cloth side of hockey tape is porous, so naturally the gatorade would penetrate through the cloth and hit the adhesive part. as souldriver pointed out, gatorade is sugar and sugar is a bioadhesive, so naturally it would increase the tape's ability to adhere.

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sugar also would wash off with water/ice buildup over the game, i think there are better answers for grip than sugar water.

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