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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Total One NXG Stick reviews

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Hey guys, i see a review out there for the old Total One, but not one for the NXG?

I broke my last TO last night, and i'm kind of bummed. Doesn't look like I can buy them anywhere so i may have to venture to the NXG. I'm sure the difference between the two is minimal, but i'm picky.

Thinking about trying something new all together (CCM RBZ S2, or RBK Ribcor)

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I'm a big fan of the Total One. The NXG is very similar, but has an improved blade. They feel the same when shooting.

More feel is good, i imagine shooting to be the same with same load points and such.

I hated the textured ribs on the stick shaft. Otherwise it was alright, pretty stiff.

The TotalOne's had that too, just more pronounced on the NXGs right?

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