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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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portal metal hockey goal

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Alright well ive been outta the game for some many years and have since relocated to a place where hockey rinks and stores almost dont exist. Ive discovered two rinks both with tennis court type surface and need a goal. i was hoping to get some info on the best portable metal hockey goals. closest thing we can get to the real deal would be best. I look forward to any suggestions.

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most of what you see on the online hockey stores don't fold up. My friends and I have always resorted to throwing the nets on top of a car or something along those lines. However a quick google search and i found this. http://www.americanhockeycenter.net/pd-folding-metal-hockey-goal.cfm The website had another one that was thicker.

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If you're really stuck but fairly practical you could try making your own . If you have a steel supplier nearby you an make a pretty decent set of goals from the stuff they normally use to make handrails the connections are held in place with grub screws which make for pretty easy dismantling and assembly . I built 2 full sized goals for less than the cost of 1 mail order over here in the UK . 996610_10152202318828916_224421130_n.jpg

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I like the EZ Goal. I own one myself mainly to shoot pucks in the backyard during the summer. It's got a few small dents in it but it's holding up pretty well for a net in this price range.

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