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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Panthers Fire Dineen

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I don't see dumping Tallon as stupid at all. Each team may have one reclamation project on their roster but Tallon has stacked the Panthers with them. When you're counting on Brad Boyes to be a major contributor then there is a problem with how the team was put together.

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Tallon had done a good job with the budget he has had to work with. They have more talent than they are showing and should be playing better as a team.

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I beg to differ. They have more castaways than Gilligan's Island this year.

What did it cost him to pick those guys up and who could he have picked up for the same price that would have been better? I don't recall him getting fleeced on any deals lately.

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