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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pitch to Lightspeed

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I have been thinking for a while of putting a set of lightspeeds on my S500s and was just wondering if anyone had done this swap and how closely the rivet holes lined up.

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There was actually a previous thread on this (started by yours truly ;) ), and according to Chadd, the Pitch rivet pattern is exactly the same as a Custom +. Now I'm not sure how the rivet pattern differs b/w a Custom + and Lightspeed, but I would think that they are very similar if not exactly the same. Good luck. Let us know how it turns out and post pics!

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There was actually a previous thread on this (started by yours truly ;) ), and according to Chadd, the Pitch rivet pattern is exactly the same as a Custom +. Now I'm not sure how the rivet pattern differs b/w a Custom + and Lightspeed, but I would think that they are very similar if not exactly the same. Good luck. Let us know how it turns out and post pics!

I thought there was but i couldnt find it, i was in class and couldnt take too long. I hopefully make the swap this weekend

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Just curious why you are getting rid of the pitch?

Its ok but I have skated on lightspeeds before and to me the just feel better. I wasnt planing doing the swap for a while but some of the rivets are already starting to fall out so I figured just do it now.

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