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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Backyard Hockey

Changing a curve on a composite stick

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My son won a new Bauer Totalone NXG stick at a raffle at his tourney this weekend, only the curve is totally different from the one he uses now. Forgive me for being the old, wooden-stick-loving guy in the room, but can we heat it up and add a little more curve to it? He's a mite so we're not talking about a lot of abuse or slapshots or anything. It's just the one he won is almost straight and he likes it a bit more curved. Anything we can do?

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there is a device that does it very slowly over time but i dont know much about it. but by the time you go through that trouble youre better off either playing with it or trading it/selling it and using the fund to buy one he may like.

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For some reason I don't think there is. My guess is that it's the stamkos right? Let him try it, maybe he will end up liking it, or he will get used to the curve. Remember a free stick is better than buying one that cost $$$. Personally I like curves that are a bit straighter, and I switched from a Foresberg to a Malkin(now the stamkos) when I was about a squirt soooo yeah.

Oh yeah or you could sell it. Good point person above me ???

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