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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission L7 vs. Pure Fly/Lite/S500/S400 Sizing

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Yes, I'm asking about skates from 03-04, but I'm on a budget and I loved these things.

Looking for some size comparison advice here. I had a pair of Pure Lites back in the day that I absolutely loved. Favorite skates I've ever worn, and I'm trying to scrape up a pair of Pure Flys, Lites, or S400/500 off ebay (or here) if possible.

I currently wear a size 10, width D in Mission L7. Simply put, the L7s do not work for me. The fit was completely off what I expected, having used many Mission skates over the years and did not work with my feet (low arches, big ankles, weird slightly protruding bone on the inner part of my foot. Stiffness in that area of the foot seems to have been the main issue) They caused me a lot of pain and couldn't stand up to the beating they got taking shots on defense -- visible cracks in the overly stiff upper.

Despite my issues with the skate itself, the length and heel fit were great, so I think the 10D size would work in the new pair. However, it seems like Mission changed their sizing scheme over the years, so I don't want to end up with something way off. Does anyone know when this change occurred and if the 10 is pretty similar across the L line and the Pure Fly/Lite line?

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I can't help with sizing, but my .02 is to remember that Pitch holders and steel are no longer made. So if you do find a pair of ten year old missions, and any pieces/parts break, you may be right back where you started. Or you may find yourself upgrading the holders right from the start.

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Haven't had any issues with weak steel in the past, and I've got some life left in the blades on my L7s if something does break. Thanks for the headsup though, worse comes to worse I can switch over to a different holder later.

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Buzz, if I were to move into a different skate, what's out there now that has a similar fit to the Mission Supple-Fit skates (Pure Fly, S500, etc.)? For everyone else, I'm looking for a boot that comes up a bit lower, conforms very closely to the foot instead of compensating for fit with extra padding in a stiff boot, and is highly thermoformable to get around my weird foot shape. Took a look at Bauer's line since they bought Mission and might incorporate some of this approach. Seems like the current Supreme line comes close to what I'm looking for. Any feedback from actual users or other suggestions?

It was weird to see that because I remember skating in Supreme 4000s and 6000s back when I was a kid and it was just a very conventional series of skates back then.

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Both Mako skates are highly formable and would be worth looking into in the offseason. I've had a few guys with fit issues that Makos accommodated. Would at least be worth trying on.

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None of the supplefit technology carried over into the Bauer skates and they are significantly stiffer than the S/Pure style skates. While Makos may not be in the price range that you want to spend, they will be the most similar boot on the market.

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Just checked out the Makos. Nice looking skate and does look like the sort of fit I'm looking for, but they are WAY out of my price range (about 6x). I'm a 23 year old law student looking to play rec hockey once or twice a week, so I can't quite justify spending that sort of money on a skate.

I understand the supreme top of the line skates are much stiffer, but how about the midrange like a one.6 or 7? Seems like they'd get that wrap-fit I like without being too stiff.

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I understand the supreme top of the line skates are much stiffer, but how about the midrange like a one.6 or 7? Seems like they'd get that wrap-fit I like without being too stiff.

The problem with the lower level supremes is that they are softer around the foot and get sloppy. they also aren't the same type of material and don't mold the same way.

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Just checked out the Makos. Nice looking skate and does look like the sort of fit I'm looking for, but they are WAY out of my price range (about 6x). I'm a 23 year old law student looking to play rec hockey once or twice a week, so I can't quite justify spending that sort of money on a skate.

I understand the supreme top of the line skates are much stiffer, but how about the midrange like a one.6 or 7? Seems like they'd get that wrap-fit I like without being too stiff.

Should you choose to buy these skates, I can say you will love them! they are the most mouldable skates out there, not as light as the Crazy Lights but they're pretty light. I loved the Mission Amp Flywieght skates, then went to Pure S500 which I wasn't too impressed with. The Mako skates however, are worth every penny (or cent if your across the pond) and should anything ever happen to them I wouldn't have any problems splashing out for them again...

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