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Stick Advice - Reebok Ribcore 25K, Easton V5E, Sher-Wood EK15

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Hello ModSquad community,

I need some advice on buying a new hockey stick. After doing some preliminary research I am debating between the Reebok Ribcore 25K and the Easton V5E. The main reason is that from the sound of it all the technology from the higher end model are included in these (only real difference is weight). Is this correct?
Recently, I looked at the reviews for the new Sher-Wood EK15 and it sounds like this is also a stick I should consider.
Does anyone have any experience with these 3 sticks that can give me advice on what to buy?
Currently, I use the Easton S19 (Pro Stock - Arnott's stick from a NJ Devils sale) and love it.
I am 5'10" about 190lbs. I play LW/C and typically skate the puck up for my line. Mostly, I pass or take quick wrist shots/get rebounds (I almost never take slap shots). I play in an Adult C league (former highschool player).

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I have been using the 25k, and recently received the ek15 for a long term review. The 25k has been performing fairly well, and at 150 retail I feel is a good value. The ek15 I haven't gotten on the ice yet, however I can tell you it's a well balanced and obviously very light stick.

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I really want to try the Sherwood for what it's worth it seems like they did something special there and the fact it's their top end stick but it's not $250+ adds to it. The other sticks dem great too but in my opinion Easton has hit a rut stickwise and reeboks don't wow me though the 25k has been wowing many others.

I know I'm telling my brand as well as I have fallen hard for warriors covert sticks but their dt3 lt stick is pretty much the same as the top end dt1lt except it doesn't use north American aerospace carbon fiber like the 1 does. If you want an easy loading lowkick stick include that one as well.

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Don't overlook a covert dt1 on close out for $200. Maybe cheaper at some places. That is if u are considering the dt3 lt. Or even a dt3 on clearance.

For easton, I don't know why you would say they hit a rut. The new v9e is great. Anybody that I talk to who has one that I see at local rinks loves it as well. I have a v9e and dt1lt. Love both.

By the way, forget about the reebok if you love your s19. If stick with a low kick like easton rs2, v9e or warrior covert. Pro stock hockey . Com had pro stock easton v9 and v9e for 150. Just have to find right flex and curve for u.

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Pro Stock V9 and V9e for $150? That seems like a really good deal. Is that site legit? Am I guaranteed a good quality stick with nothing cracked or broken?

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