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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X:60 to apx2 vs NXG skates

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I have quite happily worn X:60 (2 years ago, don't have them anymore) and One100 (current) skates, one of those few who can wear vapours or supremes.

I have an opportunity to get some APX2 skates before xmas but they will be sent to me overseas so I don't have a chance to try them for fit (and the only lhs in our country does not hold them in stock). To add a little bit more to my dilemma I have a chance to get some NXG skates in the new year so am really undecided which to get and have a couple of questions I hope someone can help me with.

How big a change, if any, in fit was there from the X:60 to the apx to the apx2's?

Which has the narrowest heel, apx2 or NXG?

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IIRC, the fit profile was similar from X:60 -> APX. However, the APX2 is supposed to fit more narrow than the original APX. I believe the current X100 is the equivalent in terms of fit to the APX and X:60.

The skates from narrowest heel to widest heel: APX2 - APX/X100/X:60 - NXG. You should validate this for yourself if you can though, as getting a D or EE width can change the way the boot feels.

If I'm wrong on that list, don't hold it against me. I've never actually worn the APX2. :-)

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I went down half a size from x60 to APX. I'm not sure if the APX2 fits even smaller. The APX seemed to have a slightly narrower toe box as I needed them punched out but had no issues in the x60's.

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I had the Original APX and just got the APX2 and I fit into the same size for both and the fit feels very similar but the APX2 are a lot more comfortable I also can fit in supremes too and own the NXGs I like the performance of the APX2 better but you can't go wrong with either skate.

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