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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Pant Shell?

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Just recently purchased a CCM Vector Pro girdle, and need to get a shell for it. I see that many major manufactures make shells, I am wondering if any of these is better than the others??? I am looking for leg zippers, but otherwise, just a shell.

If there is anyone with experience using girdle/ shell combos, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. If there is another post on this, please direct me as I used the search engine with no success....

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Honestly, I took a pair of Bauer X:3.0 pants and cut out the major padding. Left the padded belt section and it's now my shell. I also use the CCM girdle. Works great and took maybe 30min to accomplish.

EDIT: Size Med girdle and size Med "shell".

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I use the old Bauer Supreme shell and like it better than the CCM P52 shell I had before that because it has a full belt plus a lace up closure so I can get it nice and snug. The new Nexus looks similar, but has added ventilation in the back and leg zippers. I'd grab that one if I was buying another: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/bauer-hockey-pants-nexus-pant-shell-sr.html

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Honestly, I took a pair of Bauer X:3.0 pants and cut out the major padding. Left the padded belt section and it's now my shell. I also use the CCM girdle. Works great and took maybe 30min to accomplish.

EDIT: Size Med girdle and size Med "shell".

I did the same for my Tackla 4500 girdle. In my case I used an old Tacks 652 pant I had stored from some years back. Matched sizes gave me a perfect fit with a look & feel I really like.

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I'm very happy with my Bauer Nexus shell.

It has zippered leg openings, a belt instead of just elastic, and the old school hockey skate lacing is a nice touch.

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I don't have any shell that has zippers, never saw the need for them. I have the Vector pro girdle (along with a 9k) and used a S19 or Tackla shell with it until I managed to find a vector pro shell. Any shell will work ok with it but advantage of the vector pro shell is the buttons around the waist to attach the shell to the girdle.

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