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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hi,help for newbie

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Hi as a newbie I need to upgrade/renew my skates, price restricts me to poss either Bauer x60 or Reebok 14k mainly as I have quite wide feet , but I would appreciate your feedback/advice

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Go to your LHS and try on any skates in your price range. Buy the pair that fits the best.

This. If you have very wide feet, then I doubt Vapor will be a good fit for you.

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Who knows, you may not even have as wide a foot as you think.

This too.. get sized and fitted for skates. Don't limit your choices to brand and make. Also agree that the X:60 even in EE was made on a narrow foot last during the molding process.

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Quick update guys, not much stock in the local shop so I've ordered Bauer Nexus 600's in a 2e fit as most folk say they are suited to wider feet

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