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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stiff Lower, Soft Ankle Skate Recommendations

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Looking to pick up a pair on the cheap. I've had success in the past with mission supplefit boots, and the Graf 707/G7 are interesting as well. Anyone have some suggestions as to other skates that give you a solid, stiff lower boot with a good heel lock but a more flexible ankle zone with an aggressive flex? It's very hard to find Grafs and old Missions on ebay or on the secondhand market at this point, and Makos are just out of my price range. Otherwise, as far as I can tell, everything made in the past 10 years or so has been all stiff, everywhere, all the time.

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G7, S400, S500, Fuel AG120 and Makos are pretty much the only options out there that do what you want. The 55Flex may help some other skate come closer to what you are looking for,

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Logic stands to reason that the Mako skates ought to drop significantly in price as Mako II skate launches. Then again, Mako II sticks have not dropped in price, even though the V9 has updated it.

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How's the 110AG? I hear it's a pretty similar skate -- their top of the line from a year earlier?

I hated it for a number of reasons. It does meet your criteria but the fit is very different.

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I have a pair of s400's and they fit the description of stiff boot and softer ankle. Unfortunately, they are too big for me. Size 8. Try eBay, that's where I got them. If by some chance a 280 holder sized skate would fit ya, let me know and I will be glad to trade these off for something useful.

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