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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Turning Rollerblades back to skates, need holder for Graf G5

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I have a 9.5 Graf G5 with Mission Magnesium roller blade holder on it, I am getting back in to Ice hockey and want to turn them back in to Ice skates, I lost the Cobra holders years ago, and am looking for a new ice set-up.

I believe the Graf Cobra is size 280mm, but I am not certain, I am looking for the tuuk LS2 or something along those lines, what do you guys suggest. I am located in arlngton VA and will be getting them installed at Kettler Ice rink, if any of you know the rink, hoping they do a good job there.

where can I get the best price for the LS2 and what size do I need for a 9.5 or should I just go back and buy a cobra and call it a day?

Thanks people.

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depends on the width of your skate if you are in a D width or Regular 280 should do it. If you're a EE or Wide you would want a 288. As MThockeydad suggested ebay isn't a bad place to look.

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Good price is $50-60 for the pair, holders + steel.

Retail is about $90 ($50 for the steel, $40-50 for the holders).


Here's $25 for the steel:


$50 for the holder:


Grab the steel, watch for a better deal on some used holders.

If you're willing to run the older Custom +, there are some very low prices on eBay. You could put together a set for $30-40.

280 Cobra holders fo' cheap:


And the rivet hole pattern will match your skate boots. Take the savings and buy BlackEdge or STEP runners.

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