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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help me find my perfect sharpen

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yeah I didnt realize how much my edges were digging in until i let them go for a couple of skates and at the end of the last sesh i felt less...bad.

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The rink I usually play on has really hard ice so I like my edges sharp. I've been playing at another rink that has soft ice recently and I prefer my blades a couple skates into a sharpen. Going from fast to slow ice is quite an adjustment.

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Soul I would agree with chad on the 5/8. I really don't know much about sharpening but like you i'm 250 and my skates always feel better after a few skates so the 5/8 has been recommended to me and since I switched to it everything feels better the first skate after sharpening.

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Curious on opinions about what's going on with my most recent sharpen. I usually skate on a 5/8 but went to 1/2 just to try it out. 6'0", 180.

I had no problems with edge control or stopping, but I felt I wasn't getting as much push-off and felt sluggish. Almost like my blade was pushing too far into the ice when driving and it had a spongy feeling to it. Is this normal and a result of the different sharpening, (or is it just that my muscles were tired from the long run I went on the day before)??

Thanks everyone.

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I'm 6'0 and fluctuate between 240 and 250 lbs. I used to run 5/8 and felt like I had too much bite. I've tried everything from 3/8" to 1" and I've been using 7/8" for the past 2 years and don't play on changing it anytime soon. It helps me have a more relaxed stride and I can always get enough bite (once I get going I'm pretty quick) when I need to make a sharp turn. If you're (not you in general OP, just speaking to the general public) not getting enough bite on a deeper hollow, then you're doing something wrong. It could be that your center of gravity is off or something else. If I can get enough bite even at 1 inch (I'm not a gifted skater by any means but I did take powerskating which REALLY helped me with my edgework), then you should be able to get by on something deeper.


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