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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Parise curve - stealth RS anyone use it?

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Have been using an iginla curve for yrs. picked up one of the rsII iginlas recently and like it a lot. I primarily play defense and wanted to finally try out heel curve for some heavier slapshots (and the sticks are on clearance!).

I'd prefer a round toe for toe drags etc so that leaves me at the Parise curve. Has anyone used it before? Can't find one locally to look at. I wanted to make sure it wasn't a flat blade wedge after the heel and actually had a curve to it.

Thanks in advance

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I'd suggest the E4(Cammaleri)/Stamkos/Burrows, etc...

It's a mid-heel that may be what you're looking for.

Not a paddle like the Parise types and more of a compromise between the iggy and Drury style

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Thanks, I'll have to keep searching for a deal. Found the RSII for $130 but only the parise left. Anywhere else with other curves in stock are $170 + $15 shipping. Really I'd use it primarily for defense. Was just hoping not to sacrifice too much puck handling. Was looking to try a longer blade too, the iginla is just a tiny little thing.

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Parise curve is nice if you shoot a lot of pucks. If you have good hands it may not be as big of an issue, if your hands are like rocks, It's hard to be consistent with. Bottom line If you can shoot consistently with it, you will never use another curve.

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Thanks, I'll have to keep searching for a deal. Found the RSII for $130 but only the parise left. Anywhere else with other curves in stock are $170 + $15 shipping. Really I'd use it primarily for defense. Was just hoping not to sacrifice too much puck handling. Was looking to try a longer blade too, the iginla is just a tiny little thing.

Where did you see that? I use only Drury/Parise

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Parise curve is nice if you shoot a lot of pucks. If you have good hands it may not be as big of an issue, if your hands are like rocks, It's hard to be consistent with. Bottom line If you can shoot consistently with it, you will never use another curve.

this is 100% true. I started with a staal which is the Bauer equivalent, and my wristers were laser beams. however as a forward, with average hands at best, I rarely had time to load the shot the way I wanted. I began shooting off my toe which didn't work consistently enough in game situations, so I switched to an E28.

I miss that curve...

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Thanks for the responses. Total hockey has the stick in stock for $130 shipped, which I thought was a killer deal. They don't have much left for curves and flexes, I prefer 100flex and only the parise (I'm right handed) is available. I might give it a shot.

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it is entirely lacking a curve for toe drags, but it does everything else so well that id give it a try. the only real reason I'd be skeptical is the original rs had some durability issues. the only other suggestion i have is if you want a stick that plays like a heel curve and still has a bit for the toe drags, wait for a clearanced getzlaf or kesler.

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Not sure if I should start a new thread but it's an RSII question. My iginla RSII that I've only used 3 times has something odd going on with the blade. Went to retape it and it's almost like the blade surface is separating internally from the foam. No visa blue damage outside. You can squeeze the blade in the middle on the face and hear the foam crunhing and the face flexing a bit. Anyone have this happen to an RSII? Nervous it's gonna break outside the warranty. Between order, and delivery it was 15days before the first use.

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