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Flexlite 4.0 Pro to Nexus 1000/VH Footwear skates

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I skated in Graf 705's for years then went to Flexlite 4.0 Pro's a few years ago and while they work, I haven't felt like I get as much power and control as I used to. It may be age and not the skate though. And I hate the thinner tongues. :)

I have a medium arch and a very wide forefoot, medium heel with a good bit of volume. The toebox on the Flexlite fits fine as well. The heel is pretty good on one foot and ok on then other, but nothing has ever seemed to lock them in like the 705's did. Nothing has ever really fit perfectly so I'm looking at the discounted Nexus 1000's for $600 or possible just biting the bullet and doing VH Footwear skates to hopefully once and for all get the best fit. The perfect skate for me would seem to be the heel lock of the 705, the toebox of the Flexlite and a forefoot slightly wider than the Flexlite.

So I am looking for any advice/comparisons on the above skates to try to get a feel for how they might fit. The Nexus 1000 is tempting on closeout but the local shop doesn't carry it so I can't try it on.

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If those are the two choices then VH would be the easy winner for me because the price difference isn't that huge. If the 1000's were on closeout for $200-$300 that's one thing, but $600 is still a good chunk of change. If you're willing to pay that much then you might as well pay a couple hundred more and get a custom VH.

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I skated in Graf 705's for years then went to Flexlite 4.0 Pro's a few years ago and while they work, I haven't felt like I get as much power and control as I used to. It may be age and not the skate though. And I hate the thinner tongues. :)

I have a medium arch and a very wide forefoot, medium heel with a good bit of volume. The toebox on the Flexlite fits fine as well. The heel is pretty good on one foot and ok on then other, but nothing has ever seemed to lock them in like the 705's did. Nothing has ever really fit perfectly so I'm looking at the discounted Nexus 1000's for $600 or possible just biting the bullet and doing VH Footwear skates to hopefully once and for all get the best fit. The perfect skate for me would seem to be the heel lock of the 705, the toebox of the Flexlite and a forefoot slightly wider than the Flexlite.

So I am looking for any advice/comparisons on the above skates to try to get a feel for how they might fit. The Nexus 1000 is tempting on closeout but the local shop doesn't carry it so I can't try it on.

The Nexxus 1000 is a completely different fit than the lower models.

Everything below it fits like a flexlite. Very high instep though. Felt like there was a golf ball under my arch.

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Hmmm.... I have a medium arch so maybe it might not be a good choice.

I really wish the LHS here would carry more skates to try on. Their prices are in line with online retailers so there wouldn't be any reason to go try on and buy elsewhere. Guess its expensive carrying a lot of stock like that though.

Anyone have any experience/success getting "returned" VH skates that were a similar foot shape to yours and then rebaking/molding them?

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Hmmm.... I have a medium arch so maybe it might not be a good choice.

I really wish the LHS here would carry more skates to try on. Their prices are in line with online retailers so there wouldn't be any reason to go try on and buy elsewhere. Guess its expensive carrying a lot of stock like that though.

Anyone have any experience/success getting "returned" VH skates that were a similar foot shape to yours and then rebaking/molding them?

Let me add that I have a very flat foot. Low arch. the instep killed me so you have to try them on to feel it.

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Skated in Grafs for a long time, only skate that worked for me. Love my VHs though. Definitely worth it to get a pair. I skate barefoot and have zero pain anywhere. Amazing skate (and they "feel" like light versions of my Grafs).

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If I can be the voice of dissent:

I preferred the fit of my Flexlite 4.0 pros to my VH skates, but I'm probably weird in that regard. I like the fit of my Nexus 1000, but it's a bit wide in the heel for my taste. My VH skates are comfortable enough to wear for hours, but they're so difficult to get on my feet that I tend to grab a different pair from the stable when I'm packing my bag.

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Laser rob, did you do the "heat mold around the eyelets" trick in order to make them easier to get on and off? If not, PM me and I'll explain. I had the same issue for two skates, emailed Scott and it was a 5 minute fix. Still have the same great heel and foot lock, but easy to get on and off...

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Laser rob, did you do the "heat mold around the eyelets" trick in order to make them easier to get on and off? If not, PM me and I'll explain. I had the same issue for two skates, emailed Scott and it was a 5 minute fix. Still have the same great heel and foot lock, but easy to get on and off...

Also, I've found that putting the tongues nicely into the boot during storage after skating helps everything stay in shape after this fix.

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