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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does the V9E play true to flex

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Need a new stick. Just curious about the V9E as I have heard different opinions on if the flex of the stick plays true to its number. Thanks

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flex number on sticks are correct for that model, however when you compare them to different model, the relative feel of the flex may change

for example, for mid kick sticks i use 100 flex, but for low kick point sticks (like my vaporXXXX) i use 87s because the way the shaft flexes, it feels and performs the way i want it

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What stick were you using previously? If you ever tried an RS2, it plays softer compared to its predecessor.

Mako 2 85 flex. Very happy with it. I did use an RS2 but felt 85 was too stiff with that stick.

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Mako 2 85 flex. Very happy with it. I did use an RS2 but felt 85 was too stiff with that stick.

Then the V9E should be fitting. An 85 flex V9E will play softer than an 85 RS2.

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