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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Buying Jerseys

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My team is buying new jerseys. We do not want the house league 2 tone specials or spending big on custom sublimated jerseys. I was looking at some closeout Warrior jerseys (model HK300) but I am not sure if they will be too heavy. I have not bought jerseys in years and I have no idea what would be a good jersey color and weight wise for the money we are looking to spend ($30 a jersey). Appreciate any input anyone has.

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My team got the KH300 for ice this season and they are very heavy. To me they are tolerable (some on our team have complained) but I would hate to wear them for inline.

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We have been looking at an inline specific jersey due to the heat we play in, are the team jerseys you do good for high temps 30-40 deg Celsius? At present we are using Tron Jerseys due to light weight

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I just bought a Tron DJ2000 jersey. It was like $13 and its well worth the price. Its a bit light, I see it being a better warmer weather jersey.

How light is a bit light? I was looking to order some of these but am worried that they will be to heavy.

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