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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CA7 vs RPD Comp

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I can get both of these for about the same price. Are the CA7s better even though they are older? I like the lower center of gravity of the new alkalis but I'm not sure if it will make a noticeable difference in my game.

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The main benefit of the new chassis will be better stop & starts as well as take offs with the lower centre of gravity, eliminating the slight akward feeling of the longer chassis on last years range(although mine are from last years range and it's not really an issue anyway).
Add the better turning circle and you've got a winner!

On the other hand CA7s have the much better wheel bearing combo, Labeda RPG's & ABEC 9s are good but the Dynasties & swiss lite bearings are a much better option.

Either way you go you're getting good value & quality.
Good luck!

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I'm with Kovalchuk on this one. I'm usually a proponent for buying last years skates at a discount, but the new chassis setup on the Alkali's is a major change in my opinion and would push me to buying only the current model year of their skates. Keep in mind, I've been on Labeda chassis for nearly the last 10 years, so I'm a bit biased towards their chassis integration.

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Comp, wheels are a personal preference that many change anyways and investing in a swiss bearing (my preference in bone swiss) is something you can bring with other skates as well if you properly take care of them. thats not saying the wheels or the abec 9 bearing are bad but youll see most players will buy one quality set of swiss and keep them forever.

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