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Easton RS2 and V9E

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Does anyone feel that new Easton V9E sticks have been stiffer than previous RS2?

Today I saw an Olympic game, Checo vs Latvia.

Then I norticed that not a few players have still used RS2 for the game.

Now I use V9E custom with my blade pattern though I've felt this sticks are stiffer than RS2.

I decided to order these custom sticks after using RS2.

Easton released new model, V9E during I had been waiting RS2 custom sticks.

So I had to change the ordering model...

I feel this V9E is not better for me than RS2.

I asked questions about this point to Easton directly though they answered they don't change the flex and torque from RS2 (I can't feel this is true).

But I felt after watching today's game, may be there people who think the same thing as me.

How do you think?

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To me I feel the flex of the V9E to be the same as that of the RS2. If you're comparing a new V9E to a well used RS2, it could be that the RS2 softened up for you over time. Both are great sticks, although I'm not crazy about the retail graphics on the V9E.

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although I'm not crazy about the retail graphics on the V9E.

So agree...

I protested about this point when I was said that Easton would be not able to make RS2 for me.

I don't like this orange color... completely RS2's yellow is better graphic!

Now I can't shot well with V9E.

The feeling is hardly different between RS2 and my V9E.

Indeed my RS2 is well used but I felt it was very soft when I used it first time.

Ofcourse I think I will use this for the present.

I have 6 new V9E stock!!!

I hope I will use it as RS2 sooner.

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Easton made shaft flex changes from Mako2 and RS2 to the V9 and V9E. The V9 will play stiffer than the Mako2 and the V9E will play softer than the RS2. These were common complaints that Easton had with the previous sticks and this was an attempt to make them play more true to flex.

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The V9 will play stiffer than the Mako2 and the V9E will play softer than the RS2.

Is it really...?

I've felt oppositely.

During I had been used RS2, I had felt this stick is too softer expecially strong shot for example one timer.

It was felt so even by such me, I think the other pro hockey players may be even more.

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