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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates - Why Are Different Fits w/in the Same Product Line?

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For example, I've heard here and there that NXG's fit differently from say, the One.8 or the APX 2's fit differently from X90's. I know from here that the Nexus 1000 is a standalone model, but the average consumer might not know. If this is true, I could see how this would cover a wider range of consumers, but w/o the proper marketing, I think it's more confusing than anything.

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They don't. Different materials and molding properties for high-end to low end make them feel different.

Perhaps, but doesn't that beg the question since fit has a direct effect on feel?

EDIT: I guess it's not done on purpose, but there's no way a company as thorough as Bauer doesn't know that two models made from the same last are going to have different volumes if they put tongues with different thicknesses on them.

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That's not what All Flash is really referring to - all the vapor line skates for Bauer have a similar fit when compared to Nexus or Supreme, they just feel a BIT different because they use different materials for the boot/liner/etc.

I think the idea is to appeal to all foot shapes and skating styles. On my team only one guy has Nexus, and then it's an even split between Supreme/Vapor lines, with a variety of models being worn.

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