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Hockey stick for little girl

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Non-hockey-playing mom looking for advice on hockey stick for 8-year old girl who loves hockey.

K is very aggresive (according to her coach), currently playing on a boys mite lower A team (will move up to squirts next year, not sure what level). Currently playing with a wooden stick that is very short. Plays forward mostly, scores every 3-4 games, but stick handling is average at best. Can lift the puck when shooting to only about shin/knee height, but not a lot of power in her shots.

K is about 50" (46" to her nose without skates she tells me) and about 60 pounds. Moderate strength for her age, size, gender.

I'm having trouble deciding between youth and Jr. stick. I don't want to cut too far down on a junior, but I don't want to buy a youth stick that will be too short. I'm also confused about whether to look for something with an open or closed face, the flex, the lie - frankly, the whole thing. I'm wondering how much all of that matters, but I also don't want to hinder her play with significantly inferior equipment because of my ignorance.



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At this age it is much more important to worry about skates the fit and the feel. Also it is better to find a good sharpener that has the profile that works for her and keeps her on the ice standing instead of what most 8 year olds do and thats fall.

When it comes to sticks a lower lie will help keep the puck from going under the toe so a 4 lie with a longer straighter blade to start. Work from there and buy the cheap ones so it doesn't cost a ton to experiment with them.

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I would stick with a youth stick at that age/size/strength. The smaller shaft and blade size will help her puck feel and be better for her stick handling development. The lower flex will allow her to get the most out of her shots.

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Mom, you're paying attention to a lot of details. Well done.

My 10yo (58", 80#) first year skater Squirt daughter is using a youth stick with a 4" extension (I just made it with the table saw).

She also has an intermediate stick, but it's too stiff for an 80# kid to flex much.

She's also starting to lift the puck.

What goblue9280 said--I doubt a kid that size and age is going to over-flex a youth stick.

Unfortunately, there are more blade options in intermediate than youth. :(

If she's wanting to learn to lift the puck, go for an open-face blade. Flex 15-30

I don't know if you're in the US or Canada, but Canada Tire has some very good deals on Sher-wood intermediate composite sticks. My buddy got a 30 flex intermediate stick for his daughter for $30.

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At this age it is much more important to worry about skates the fit and the feel. Also it is better to find a good sharpener that has the profile that works for her and keeps her on the ice standing instead of what most 8 year olds do and thats fall.

When it comes to sticks a lower lie will help keep the puck from going under the toe so a 4 lie with a longer straighter blade to start. Work from there and buy the cheap ones so it doesn't cost a ton to experiment with them.

This ^

I would always advise beginners to avoid open face curves. It invariably leads to bad form and an inability to raise the puck with any other type of curve. Something slightly open like the P88 (Kane) is ok, but stay away from something like the P92 (Backstrom) or even worse, a heel wedge like the P6 (Drury/Parise). A player that learns to shoot with a less aggressive curve will be able to adapt their mechanics to any type of curve, but a player that learns with an open curve will have difficulty learning to use something more closed.

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