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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove repair

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I have some old gloves that I love, but there's a small hole in the palm about the size of a quarter. Anyone have any suggestions on material to use to patch holes in gloves with?

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Local shoe/boot shop will fix holes like that for $10/ea.

If it's not a repalm, check your local cobbler--you can probably get it fixed cheaper than the postage to send it somewhere else.

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Yeah I didn't want to repalm just yet. Thanks a lot though, there's a cobbler just around the corner from my house, so thats great. Do they use cowhide or something similar? The palms of the gloves I need repaired are cowhide, but it doesn't have to be patched with it I suppose.

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You should be able to bring your own material. You can buy some decent leather work gloves and cut the seams on the side to get a decent sized piece of leather, or check stores like HobbyLobby or Fabric/craft shops. I used leather from a batting glove on a pair of TPS R8's, worked great.

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Hmmm, for small area repairs, would you glue the piece of leather (local cobbler did it like that) with fabric/leather-glue or sew it in?

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