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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cage vs Fishbowl

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I've recently switch from the cage to the Avision fishbowl. So far I love it, it is a little warmer than a cage but not all that noticeable to me at least. Had to modify it slightly to fit my XL warrior helmet (it fits fine on my bauer without the mod) but overall I like the visibility I get with it. I used the cage for awhile just couldn't get used to the limited peripheral vision I had with it .

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Probably pretty obvious, but if you sweat a lot around the head and face, will a fish bowl fog more than a player that doesn't sweat much?

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I just sweat a TONNE , as I am a hot head, after all ;)

It doesn't matter what helmet, what facial protection, I POUR sweat; my solution is an A&R skull cap. Under Armor doesn't work nearly as well for me.

Again- it has taken a fair bit of time for the Avision Ahead to fog just along the bottom edge of the lens. When it gets untenable, then I buy a new lens. I like the visibility TOO much and am willing to sacrifice a few $$$ for good sight lines.

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